Hi there
My name is Bernhard and I am very much engaged in cybersecurity topics. While in my work, I focus mostly on cybersecurity for robots, there is something that has not stopped bothering me since I started working in computer science. Many people leave their devices like PCs or phones unlocked when they leave the room. While we are often in a trusted environment, this still is an invitation to misuse, manipulate or exploit their device. After all, this jeopardizes your privacy as well as potentially confidential information of your company as well as it opens up possibilities for further manipulation.
Typically, when I see somebodys computer unlocked while they are away, I do something to remind them of locking it the next time like opening a document stating that or worse. However, I always wanted to be more consistent, so I created hackersepp.org and hackertrudl.org.
Why Hackersepp and Hackertrudl?
Sepp is a typical Austrian abbreviation for the name Josef, Trudl is a shorthand form for Gertrude. Appending that to another word, personifies that. And I thought it gives the thing a nice spin. So if he is a hacker, his name is Sepp and he hacks stuff. Of course, that’s the same for hackertrudl
Can I summon Hackersepp?
By all means! This is why this page was created. If you see an unlocked screen, open a browser and navigate to https://hackersepp.org or https://hackertrudl.org :)
After all, this is meant to be a nice reminder to care more about security.
Big thanks
I have to thank Elisabeth Lang for actually drawing Hackersepp and Hackertrudl for me. If you want to supprt her, head over to her merch shop, where you can also buy hackersepp and hackertrudl stuff along with other very cool stuff.
So…thank you very much Lissi!!